Education and Career Counseling
Y.E.S. Education and Career Counseling services are aimed at helping young adults connect to the services and supports that will assist them as they transition to the next phase in life with the ultimate goal of engaging in employment that will provide for economic self-sufficiency. Connecting activities helps youth access outside services, supports, and activities. For example, education and career counseling, tutoring, mentoring, career assessments, preparing Individual Career Plan Development profiles and providing access to specialized career workshops are all important connecting activities. A particular emphasis is placed on helping Y.E.S. young adults explore and connect with Government, organizations and businesses involved in supporting, counseling and individual development in pursuing entrepreneurship, post secondary education, and a focus in exploring Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) careers.
Y.E.S. career activities and services are undertaken in collaboration with the youth’s educational and occupational interests, such as: participating in academic programs based by state standards; using program options based on universal design of school and work; or participating in work-based learning experiences, while receiving support and guidance from and by the Y.E.S. highly qualified staff. Y.E.S. staff are trained to facilitate a person’s education and career pursuits in support of and exposure to the various career options to include vocational, educational, entrepreneurship and employment opportunities. Y.E.S. Education and Career Counseling services are scheduled one on one sessions (virtually or in person) and with youth (ages 17 and under), parental and/or an approved adult permission is required.